1) Monthly Project Check-In

<aside> 💡 Hi [Client],

Hope all is well! Just checking in on how things are progressing with the [project name] we worked on.

Could you share how [a key metric for the project] is performing lately? Any updates would be great to hear.

Best, [Your Name]


2) Asking for Referral

<aside> 💡 Hi [Client],

I hope you're doing amazing! 😊

I'm reaching out to see if you know anyone in your circle looking for [specific service we provide].

Your recommendation would be incredibly valuable and greatly appreciated.

Could you connect me with someone who might be interested?

Thanks a lot, [Your Name]


3) Providing a Add-on Service

<aside> 💡 Hey [Client],

Glad to hear our user research was insightful for you! 😄

If you're considering applying the insights to enhance your product, I'd love to lend a hand.

With the groundwork already laid, I can help streamline the implementation process. How about a quick call tomorrow to discuss?

Cheers, [Your Name]


5) Checking In After a Long Time:

<aside> 💡 Hi [Client],

I hope you're doing well. It's been a while since we last connected, and I thought I'd check in to see how things are going with [project/product/service] we last worked on together.

If there's anything new you're aiming to achieve or any challenges you're facing, I'd be keen to catch up and explore how we could support you.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


6) Offering an Upgrade or New Service:

<aside> 💡 Hi [Client],

I hope this message finds you well! We've recently launched an upgraded version of [product/service] that offers [briefly describe new features or benefits]. Given your goals with [previous project or service], I thought this might be of interest to you.

Would you be open to a quick chat this week to discuss how these new features could benefit your business?


[Your Name]
